1 research outputs found

    Detection Survey of Khapra Beetle in Stored Agricultural Products in Central Java

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    Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Evert (Celeoptera: Dermestidae) entered Central Java together with importation of stored products four decades ago. A survey was conducted to detect whether the Kaphra beetle existed in Central Java after they had been fumigated during commodity arrival. If the Kaphra beetle is absent, the data could be treated as the starting point toward declaring a pest free area (PFA) of Kaphra beetle in Central Java. The survey employed the procedure established in Australia, except this survey lasted for 11 months starting from April 2008 to February 2009. Insect traps (Trécé Incorporation, Oklahoma, USA) were placed in eight sites distributed in six districts identified as high risk for Kaphra beetle. The traps were substituted following the label. The traps were checked every 2–4 weeks making the total observations varying from 18–24 times, except one site (eight times). No Kaphra beetle was observed during this detection survey. This finding strongly suggests that Kaphra beetle is not present in Central Java. Survey should be continued to collect data sufficient to declare PFA of Kaphra beetle. KumbangKhapra,Trogoderma granarium Evert (Celeoptera;Dermestidae) masuk ke Jawa Tengah bersama sama dengan produk impor empat dekade lalu. Survei deteksi ini dilakukan untuk mendeteksi apakah kumbang Kaphra masih ada di Jawa Tengah setelah dilakukan fumigasi sejak kedatangannya. Jika kumbang Kaphra sudah tidak ada, data tersebut digunakan sebagai langkah awal penetapan area bebas hama (Pest FreeArea/PFA) kumbang Kaphra di JawaTengah. Survei menggunakan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan di Australia, yang dilakukan selama 11 bulan mulai April 2008 hingga Februari 2009. Perangkap serangga (produk dari Trécé Incorporation, Oklahoma, USA) diletakkan di delapan tempat yang tersebar di enam Kabupaten/kota yang diidentifikasi sebagai daerah berisiko tinggi terhadap keberadaan kumbang Kaphra. Perangkap diganti dengan interval waktu dua bulan, dan diamatisetiap 2–4 minggu. Jumlah observasi mencapai kisaran 18–24 kali, kecuali di satu gudang (delapan kali). Kumbang Kaphra tidak ditemukan selama survei deteksi berlangsung. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kumbang Kaphra tidak ada di Jawa Tengah. Survei perlu dilanjutkan untuk memperoleh data sampai memenuhi untuk persyaratan penetapan PF